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Contract Full Name Tin
9979045 Maxam-Chirchiq AJ 200941518
9979044 Maxam-Chirchiq AJ 200941518
9977920 Maxam-Chirchiq AJ 200941518
9977497 Maxam-Chirchiq AJ 200941518
9977447 ``AFRASIAB JEANS TEXTILE`` MCHJ 304960694
9977408 АО Navoiyazot 200002933
9977217 Farg`onadonmahsulotlari AJ 200153366
9976934 Maxam-Chirchiq AJ 200941518
9976397 Maxam-Chirchiq AJ 200941518
9976156 АО Fargonaazot 200202240
9976155 АО Fargonaazot 200202240

417 Fromm 50 From 60 To Shown Records